Tuesday, 6 September 2016

PlayStation VR to Launch With Free Demo Disc Containing Eight Games

PlayStation VR to Launch With Free Demo Disc Containing Eight Games

PlayStation VR to Launch With Free Demo Disc Containing Eight Games

  1. Sony has announced that every PlayStation VR (PS VR) unit available at launch will have a demo disc containing eight games. These include:
  2. Driveclub VR
  3. PlayStation VR Worlds
  4. Rigs Mechanized Combat League
  5. Tumble VR
  6. Battlezone
  7. Eve: Valkyrie
  8. Wayward Sky
  9. Headmaster
  10. (Also see: Sony Reveals PlayStation VR Price, Release Date, and Specifications)
  11. Of these, Driveclub VR and Eve: Valkyrie are the most well known. The former has been touted to hit VR since its inception while the latter is a multiplayer dogfighting game set in space and was exclusive to the Oculus Rift. Rigs is from Killzone: Mercenary developer Guerrilla Cambridge and it's focussed on frantic first-person combat using mechanised suits. Battlezone is an action game that has you commandeering a tank, it's one Sony has been demoing quite heavily. PlayStation VR Worlds lets users bask in the depth of the ocean - well, at least in the demo, with the full game packing four more additional settings. Tumble is a VR take on the classic block stacking puzzle games of yore, while Headmaster has you as a footballer honing your skills in what seems to be a prison. Finally Wayward Sky has you exploring a crumbling air fortress.
The use of a demo disc to introduce customers to VR is a shrewd idea. When Sony first started out in the console business, it employed the same tactic to get a generation hooked on the original PlayStation. It could very well be the break VR needs, what with adoption reaching a crashing halt as per the latest Steam survey.

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